Alphabet recognition is the ability to identify and name the 26 letters of the alphabet. Alphabet recognition is a crucial skill for kids, because it serves as the foundation for literacy development. By the age of 3 to 4 years, most kids begin to learn to identify letters. By age 5, most kids start to make sound-letter associations, such as knowing that apple starts with the letter a. It is important to help kids distinguish between letters, learn the sounds of letters, and match sounds with the written forms.
The flash cards here present alphabet letters with properly associated words, and their images. Parents could use them to help kids learn letters, sounds of the letters, and words starting with the letters, in order to establish their awareness of the relationship between letters, sounds and words. It is also good to help kids learn these common words in their environment. This sheet contains letters ABCD, associated words and images of apple, banana, cup and duck.