Fruits are the fleshy seed-associated structures of plants. Most fruits are eaten raw, although some can be cooked. Fruits come in different shapes, colours and flavours.
Fruits should be an important part of daily diets, which provide fibers, vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to our health. No single fruit contains all of the nutrients you need to be healthy. Eating various types and colours of fruits every day is a healthy lifestyle. It’s important for kids to learn different types of fruits. More fruit kids can recognize, more likely they would be willing to try and eat them. Parents could help kids establish a healthy lifestyle by introducing a variety of fruits as early as they are 1 year old.
This worksheet shows pictures of several kinds of fruits, including pomes (apple, pear) drupes (avocado, cherry, coconut, mango, peach, plum), and citruses (grapefruit, lemon, orange).These fruits have different colors and shapes, which will easily attract the attention of your kids. Parents can use these colorful pictures to help kids identify different fruits. It can be accompanied by real objects to aid comprehension.