Recognize and name head parts with picture

Toddlers reach a significant milestone when they learn to recognize and name their body parts, especially the head. Typically, by age 1 to 2 years, kids can identify a few body parts, such as eyes, mouth, nose, ears, etc. And by age 2 to 3 years, kids could identify many body parts, including most parts of the head.

This worksheet provides a cartoon picture dictionary of different parts of the head. Toddlers should realize the correspondence between the picture and their own head parts, and know the use of different parts of the head. With this worksheet, parents could play body-parts games to help kids develop their body awareness along with their vocabulary. You may ask your toddlers to name a specific head part or identify a head part by giving a name. The goal is to let them know, name and locate the most visible and functional head parts.

Head parts shown in the picture include forehead, eyebrow, eyelash, eye, nose, mouth, tongue, hair, ear, cheek, eyelobe, lip, tooth, and chin.


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