Rods from One to Ten

We use measurement skills in both mathematical learning and real life activities. Height and length are the two basic measurement concepts. Height is the vertical measurement of an object from bottom to top, telling how tall the object is. Length measures an object from one point to another horizontally, describing how long the object is. Height and length are two confusing terms for kids learning geometry. The great way to teach kids these two concepts is through playing.

This worksheet contains 10 rows of rods from 1 to 10 (shortest to longest). It aims to introduce kids to the concept of length and height. Parents could cut out the rods along the dotted lines and mixed them. Ask kids to build the rods into a staircase starting with rod 1 (the shortest one) on the top, and finishing with rod 10 (the longest one) in the bottom. Keep the ends of the rods on the right side in a straight line to have the stair effect. Through building up the staircase, kids could easily understand the concepts of length and height. This activity is also good for developing fine motor skills.


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Skip Counting by Twos

Skip Counting by Threes

Skip Counting by Threes

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Skip Counting Under 50 by Tens in Trails

Skip Counting by Tens in Trails

Skip Counting by Tens in Trails

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Skip Counting by Fives

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