Shapes are one of the first mathematical subjects introduced to kids. At around 18 months old, kids start to notice differences between shapes. At 2 years old, they begin to understand, recognize and name basic shapes such as circles, triangles, squares, and rectangles. At 3 years old, kids start to move onto more difficult shapes such as stars, hearts, ovals, and diamonds. Once they have a good understanding of these shapes, it is time for them to learn pentagons, hexagons, and octagons. A pentagon is a polygon with 5 straight sides and 5 corners.
This worksheet is all about pentagon. It helps kids learn about the concepts of pentagons and how to recognize pentagons. A pentagon is a 2D shape that has 5 sides and 5 corners. Pentagons can be any size; the edges/sides can be the same length or different, as long as they all connect to make a closed shape. Pentagons can be any color: yellow, green, red, or purple. There are lots of pentagonal shaped objects around us: patches on a soccer ball, birdhouses, traffic signs of school zones, the cross-section of okra, and morning glory flowers. An interesting fact to know is that a five-pointed star (pentagram) is a special pentagon whose edges cross each other, and it also forms a smaller inner pentagon. Besides, connecting the five points of a star also gives a pentagon.